Friday, July 06, 2007

Albany Joys

A couple of the things I enjoy about this area: riding along the Hudson on my bike, although I found that I have to go down to 4th street to catch the main trail toward Albany. Northward, the trail goes all the way out the Mohawk River past Schenectady.

Last night I finally got to go to Mahar's, where Gene had already been. We signed up for the beer tour, which means you record all the different beers you try. When you get to 50, you get a t-shirt; when you get to 125, you get a special mug that stays there and gives you a 20% discount on drafts. My first beer? Well, how could I resist the Middle Ages XII Porter? It was a tad sweet but with a rich flavor. Mmm.

Tonight I'm off to drum with Layne Redmond -- whoo hoo!

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