Branding and promotion is something of interest to authors. We talk about both quite a bit and you see resulting conversations on many blogs. Another aspect of promotion is what I call gadgets. Really, they are various promotion tools used to capture the interest of potential readers and can include everything from bookmarks to booktrailers.
Like websites, booktrailers visually solidify your brand as an author. There are professionals out there that will produce both. Many writers choose to make their own. So how does one go about creating a good, eye-catching booktrailer? How much is too much? Not enough?
A hectic day so far: webmail isn't working so if you've emailed me, you're going to have to be patient. Maybe when I get home I'll be able to download it, but here on campus I keep getting "unknown error" when I try to login. Curse you, Mercury! My "quiet" semester has so far been a non-stop whirl of things that must get done NOW and I am scrambling to get to everything in a timely manner, so I look forward to catching up on things while everyone else is enjoying a long holiday this weekend. I'd like to be able to breathe again! And one of these Fridays I will get back to Forgotten Books; in the mean time, read Todd's and
1 comment:
Why, thanks for the Pointer! I've been still treating with the Extra Projects here at work, and have stuck my head over to the other site, but haven't joined the commentary there yet...hmmm, after my various plaints about the Work Piles (and my generally cheery disposition), it's odd, isn' it, that Patti hasn't asked me to fill in for her in roundups for the last year or so...George has discovered that Wordpress will merge and fumble links as readily as Blogspot does.
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