Wednesday, September 01, 2010


As some of you may remember, I am enjoying my pseudo-sabbatical this semester. I was somewhat put out to find that while it was possible to jump the line to get tenure (which I did :-) it was not possible to bend time in order to get a sabbatical. You have to be at the college six years.


But I really need a break, so I applied for and received a reassigned time grant, added it to the one I get for coordinating Women's and Gender Studies and then taught my remaining course as a completely on-line one. So I don't get to use my disapproving teacher look very much except in the mirror, which is hardly satisfying.

So let me look disapprovingly here. Now don't you feel chastised?

I do have meetings to attend, but it's amazing how much less onerous they are when they don't come after teaching two classes back to back. But it's a bit disconcerting not to see my students: well, that's not entirely true. Blackboard has a photo for each student on my roster. Much as I'm relieved not to have all the classroom time -- because after all, I'm going to get lots of writing done! -- I miss that interaction. But I'll be back in the classroom before long, so I better enjoy this brief respite.


Anonymous said...

Madam, I do indeed feel chastised, and oddly invigorated as a consequence. Thank you very much. Chloe x

C. Margery Kempe said...

Bless your heart, Chloë!

Anonymous said...

Oh, K.A., I miss you! :-)

C. Margery Kempe said...

Aww -- see! Students still speak to me despite the severe look :-) Glad to see you're doing well, Anne!

The Queen said...

I love the stern look. Can we see a stern look with the red hat?

Anonymous said...

...but is a virtual Yawp as satisfying?


C. Margery Kempe said...

@QoE -- perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.

@Bertie -- no, no comparison.

Anonymous said...

I enjoy the severe look! haha! Though I hope it doesn't make the undergrads laugh like it makes me laugh. ;-)

C. Margery Kempe said...

Oh, surely they're not as savvy as you. I think...