I will write a recap of NYC and the play as soon as possible, but I wanted to pass along the news that
Mused has made print versions of their magazine available via
Lulu (ah yes, the flexibility of
POD!) and of particular interest will be:

Spring 2008
Cover: Shades of Rock by Jill Florio
Art and Photography
Geometrica Sfumatura by Dan Florio
Hôtel Métropole by Melissa Demiguel
You Can´t Take It With You by Kim Kenney
Heart Surgery by Jennifer Tiszai
Give Me Credit! by Sheila Sproule
Scars by Kimi Ross
Three Fates by Patricia Maulding
A Soul´s Oasis by Cynthia Parker
Bell by K. A. Laity
Fall Equinox 2008
Cover: Mountains by William Gibbons
Karen Allen
Those Distant Dogs byCatherine Van Herrin
My Jekyll and Hyde by Bushra Farooqui
Book by K. A. LaityNon-Fiction
Save Me! by Jacquelyn Richey
N.B.: I do plan to getting around to that third play in this set, Candle, soonish, but as you know, I'm always knee deep in deadlines and duties at the end of the semester, so I have no idea when. I always imagine summer stretching out in front of me as a time of blissful idleness, but the truth is I'm teaching a three-week summer intensive and traveling a lot, so I may not fit in everything I dream I will do. But I am thinking seriously about getting
a little net book for travel.