My latest piece for BitchBuzz deals with my on-going concerns about the ways we're not incorporating New Media into the classroom and our students' professional development. Sure they can all Google and text each other, but they're not always aware of how they present themselves rhetorically in digital space, nor how to prepare themselves for the new working models of collaborative work and constant revision.
I was fortunate to have my colleague,
Kim Middleton, point me to a quick note in the Chronicle of Higher Ed about the higher rates of collaboration between digital humanities scholars that really highlights one of the touch points of this on-going negotiation for faculty. Thanks, Kim!
Is that a metal artwork? Look nice!
LOL -- I think the site that had the original picture (which you can find at BitchBuzz) do indeed make Star Trek accouterments.
Karen, my folks live in NM, down in Las Cruces. It's a beautiful state.
I'm actually up north in Albany. Out of the swirl, but still in the thick of it.
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