Saturday, August 23, 2008

iPod Touch Named

Just like that, it was clear. I was on the tarot and writing panel and trying to remember the name of Brian Eno's Oblique Strategies deck, so naturally turned to my digital assistant, who located the necessary information -- with a picture -- in no time at all.

Thank you, Ianto!

I would say he included a steaming cappuccino, too, but as most of you know, I don't drink coffee. Oh sure, maybe the subconscious effect of serving as chair of the Torchwood panel tomorrow influenced me (yes, I will be Captain Jack for a day -- er, hour?), but hey, the name even starts with "i" so it seems perfect for the iPod.


The Queen said...

I love the name! You will be having the traditional vodka baptismal ceremony I hope...

C. Margery Kempe said...

Of course, of course -- strictly by the book, you know me. Of course he won't really be fully broken in until he's been to the Aloha Alcohula (best damn tiki bar in CT!) and had a little splash of the island bliss upon him.