Friday, September 29, 2006

A Wonderful Resource

Faced with the project of making a new academic website for myself, I sighed thinking of my paltry skills. But I finally thought, "Hey, I bet the web can help me." Sure enough, just like Open Office (the free equivalent of Microsoft Office), there is Open Source Web Design, a free site for web templates.

Some are quite lovely and most are easy to use (and can be easily edited with Notepad). Check out my new academic site (still under construction). In a short while, you'll see the fabulous new look for my professional website -- it's going to be quite striking!

Well, after an expensive visit to get the NY inspection sticker, we're going to be heading off for cocktails with the president (of the college). That should be awkward and formal!

1 comment:

C. Margery Kempe said...

Actually it wasn't at all -- and the food was tasty, if a vegetarian's nightmare. As Gene pointed out even the vegetables were wrapped in meat (i.e. asparagus spears coated in ham). But we filled up -- so much so that our plans to go out to dinner with friends Renee and Sedgwick ended up changing to a quiet drink at their house. No complaints! It was relaxing and kitty-tastic (they have 5 cats).