Thursday, November 03, 2011

BitchBuzz: NaNoWriMo

Lots of folks I know are knee-deep in NaNoWriMo; if you've ever thought about trying to write, it's a good boost with a lot of support and encouragement. If I'm not doing it, it's only because with me every month is NaNoWriMo at least in quantity although not always novel format (she says hastily trying to finish a short story to send off).

NaNoWriMo: Get Your Novel Going!

By K.A. Laity

It takes audacity to assume you've got a novel in you, although more and more people lately seem to find that audacity regularly -- pity they're mostly illiterate celebrities who pay someone to do the paperwork. Regular women often have more difficulty taking up the proverbial pen because they lack the chutzpah, but also because they lack the time. It's all that unpaid labour that's not really on the clock but somehow takes up an awful lot of hours.

I'm convinced the key to writing success is simply not cleaning anything and buying ready made meals.

If you've thought about the idea of writing but couldn't quite figure out how to get started, try joining NaNoWriMo -- National Novel Writing Month, or as their catchphrase puts it, "Thirty days and nights of literary abandon!" That sounds a lot better than "thousands of people hunched over computers around the world." Indeed there's some magic in the idea of all these people engaged in the same creative pursuit for a whole month. You can get a word count widget for your blog or website, read pep talks from successful NaNoWriMoers, and join a discussion forum for your region or genre..

Read the rest as always over at BBHQ.

Today I'm sailing off in the Pirate Pub to Scotland: doubtless I will have some lovely adventures to share and maybe a few pictures, too. Guy Fawkes Day on Saturday and there will be fireworks. More when I return. Or perhaps I will just recite some poetry.


Paul D Brazill said...

Crivens! Jings!Have a good un!

K. A. Laity said...

Aw, cheers, Mr B. I think I will have a good time despite the lack of a Dundonian dictionary. X-D