But one thing really disturbed me: in the top ten was Eric Morecambe without Ernie Wise. For those of you unfamiliar with them, Morecambe and Wise (pictured above) were an institution. Check out some of their classic clips like the breakfast sketch or their version of "Singing in the Rain" to see the physical side of their comedy. Watch more clips to get a feel for their playful sense of dialogue. They define the classic double act.
So why is Morecambe there near the top without Wise?
I suspect it's because so many of the young comedians they spoke with are solo acts. They don't understand the dynamics of the duo, unless it's someone they know (contemporaries Vic & Bob and French & Saunders all make the list). The straight man is a thankless role. Eddie Braben, who composed many of the sketches for which Eric and Ern are so well-known, wrote, "In his own way, Ern was every bit as talented as Eric, he underlined his comic greatness. Even at their peak I don't believe Ern's contribution was fully acknowledged. Eric was probably his greatest admirer" (98).
So here's to Ernie Wise! and all the overlooked straight men and women in the world.

Gene forwarded a link to an NPR story on the play Ying Tong: A Walk with the Goons, that's playing in Philadelphia. I'm resisting an urge to look at the Amtrak schedules and jump on a train to go see it. I may have to console myself with getting a copy of the script. I can't help but wonder how it will go over with an audience unfamiliar with Milligan and the Goons. The website for the production offers all kinds of background links, so perhaps it will help educate the audience. Hope it goes well -- wish I could be there!
I agree. Wise on his own was less funny than Morecombe on his own, but both were a LOT funnier together.
Some double acts could be split up (e.g. Barker was just as good without Corbett) but not that one.
I think a big difference now is that most double acts are just two comedians who write together. The only traditional straight men in this country are the pallid Ed McMahon type, there to prop up the star's ego.
Yet, some of the greatest duo comedians in America were double acts...Abbott & Costello immediately comes to mind.
I'm sorry, but American comedy has gone SERIOUSLY downhill in recent decades. I rarely like any stand-up comedians anymore and absolutely refuse to attend American comedy films or watch TV sitcoms. They are not funny. I get really tired of the sophmoric toilet humor that passes as American comedy nowadays.
There are exceptions. I've come to really appreciate Paula Poundstone (thanks to "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me") and still love stand up acts like Steven Wright, Emo Phillips, and Steve Martin; all abstract and word clever comedians.
But for the most part...American comedy just plain sucks.
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