I'm off today to Still Point where I have reserved a cabin in the woods to do some writing and recharging. I am allowing myself the possibility of writing nothing at all; I know I wasted a lot of time at the beginning of my first writers colony experience worrying about writing -- and consequently, not writing. I may just walk in the snowy woods, or lay on the bed and read. Writing will come. It's not an end in itself, just a chance to jump start creativity for the coming semester.
I am not bringing a Necronomicon; I am bringing a Kalevala and Kanteletar in hopes of getting the last few things done for Unikirja.
Just a reminder that I will be without internet access during this time and, as Joey pointed out, it would not be the optimal time to send me gigantic files. Also, there will not be a new episode of the serial (perfect time to catch up on your reading of it). Instead, why not email Gene and keep him entertained? If you need something entertaining, acquaint yourself with the amazing Deborah Henson-Conant, hip harpist (thanks, Gene!).
Back soon --
So, which of your kanteles do you plan to bring?
After some agony of thought, I decided on Louhi (pictured with Kipper there). Louhi is my first kantele and also went to Dairy Hollow with me. After seeing Deborah Henson-Conant, I was tempted to take the big harp, Ceili, but it is a small cabin.
Just about done with packing...
Ah, your cabin retreat sounds fabulous! Hope it is rejuvenating and recharges the creative juices! I could use something like that myself.
Have a very happy and creative New Year!
God speed!
Have a fine, restful, creative time!
Who's this 'Gene' guy?
A cabin in the woods. Lovely! I should try that some time....
Oh, wait...that's where I live. ;-)
What ever you do, don't look in the basement!!
Have a nice time! :-)
Wow...looks like a great place to write...or not write. Either way, you can enjoy just being there!
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