- 02:50 was pleased to see Ollie in Losey's The Damned last night; but real star was Viveca Lindfors as sculptor Freya Nielsson (sculpts by Frink). #
- 03:22 counts the hours left in her holiday and redoubles her efforts to be completely lazy -- nigh on Teamster levels, we're talking here! #
"The Wombat is a Joy, a Triumph, a Delight, a Madness!" ~ Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Monday, June 29, 2009
Blogs from Blighty
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Blogs from Blighty
- 06:21 relaxes a bit after a fun but long day yesterday stretching from Bristol to London & from Banksy to a literary reading w/ new & old friends! #
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Blogs from Blighty
- 11:51 has had a lovely ramble around Kew Gardens including a leisurely lunch and a Magnum -- yum! Off to Bristol tonight for Banksy with Brookses. #
- 14:17 @ninthart Your Magnum is on the dashboard. Has been all afternoon. You might want to put it in the freezer for a bit. #
Friday, June 26, 2009
Blogs from Blighty
- 13:44 finds that the Futurists' exhibit has made her want to pen manifestos, but Liz thinks gin might be a better plan. Agreed! #
- 14:12 @ninthart I was unaware of Wile E. Coyote's tastes in beverages and manifestos. He has good taste clearly! #
- 18:52 suspects that from beyond the veil Farrah is phoning her agent to complain about her billing today. So much for dying is easy, comedy hard. #
- 19:03 Ivy Nevala in New World Finn re: Unikirja: "I marvel at her imagination. Her story-telling combines modern people with these age-old tales." #
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Blogs from Blighty
- 18:34 is really glad Liz did not have a concussion & will be back to gin-swilling tomorrow ;-) and I'll be meeting up with "brother" Roger Sabin. #
- 08:04 had nachos with Roger at the Grange Holborn Hotel and now heads to the Tate Mod for the Futurists (in the very near future). Beautiful day! #
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Blogs from Blighty
- 18:21 is drinking wine with Liz. Another late night, eh? #
- 03:39 faces the prospect of another gorgeous day in London. How ever will she manage? Oh that's right -- by having fun! #
London Photos
For those of you not on Facebook, you can see the first group o' pix from the trip. Tedious process uploading and labeling! I'd rather be having fun -- so, off I go.
I was a bit shocked to hear that underground filmmaker Joe Christ died suddenly this week. I had my disagreements with him, especially after 9/11, but I am very sorry to hear it and my heart goes out to his family and friends.
I was a bit shocked to hear that underground filmmaker Joe Christ died suddenly this week. I had my disagreements with him, especially after 9/11, but I am very sorry to hear it and my heart goes out to his family and friends.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Blogs from Blighty
- 03:38 spent a lovely summer day at the Garden Museum where they have some exquisite watercolors & of course a lovely garden (then Blake & Rothko). #
Monday, June 22, 2009
Blogs from Blighty
- 04:35 gets ready to spend the longest day of the year in the best city in the world (after sleeping late, having a nice hot bath and a cuppa). #
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Blogs from Blighty
- 14:22 found it appropriate that blackbirds tweeted and gulls shrieked around the annex while she was talking about Twitter today (yes, went well). #
- 03:33 has an English breakfast in Wales. There's a gentle rain and a gigantic pigeon outside my window. One more panel & then it's back to Euston. #
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Blogs from Blighty
- 17:08 is in Wales, the Great Writing Conference, hoping it will lead to more of that exactly -- lot of seagulls here! #
- 02:47 runs off to breakfast -- today's the day to make my 566 students' Twitter stories world-famous in Wales! (which means I'm giving my paper). #
Friday, June 19, 2009
Blogs from Blighty
- 04:55 Show support for democracy in Iran add green overlay to your Twitter avatar with 1-click - helpiranelection.com/ #
- 04:57 is off to Bangor today. Feel free to fill in appropriate jokes (fnarr fnarr) but it's for the Great Writing Conference, really. #
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Blogs from Blighty
- 06:18 is still smiling: Vic scrummy in stripes; Bob spitting his drink laughing; Noel very cute; Matt WONDERFUL and Ulrikakakakaka #
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Blogs from Blighty
- 14:18 is getting psyched about seeing the Pete and Dud play -- will Hind show before showtime? taking all bets now! #
- 16:55 Well, well, well -- Hind showed and on time. Post theatre we're at the Greenman for drinkies. Review to come... #
- 06:27 is ready to go Shooting Stars tonight! bit.ly/17aFgg #
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Blogs from Blighty
- 10:04 is GAHH -- can't renew BritLib card due to NY dl addy being hand written! #
- 05:10 has had a full English breakfast and now has a 7 day pass to the BL -- hurrah! Pity I can't move (so much food!) #
Monday, June 15, 2009
Blogs from Blighty
- 05:48 sent yesterday wandering through the crowds in the market at Brick Lane; delicious pub lunch, incl a Yorkshire pudding Robert would envy ;-) #
- 06:19 @beltain35 Yeah! How was the show? I've already heard great things -- how was Cornelius? Can't imagine him performing live. Oh Yoko!! #
- 06:20 wonders where to go print out the tickets for Shooting Stars -- and what night they're for and is she already double-booked?! #
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Blogs from Blighty
- 06:22 @beltain35 Sorry for the delay in responding -- yeah, month working holiday; thinking about Yoko and Sean today but not sure. Damned! Ooh! #
- 06:23 @ninthart HA HA HAHA!!! MUST GET! #
- 06:26 went to The Winter's Tale on a hot London afternoon -- epiphany re: Shakes' technique: capricious decisions covered by passionate monologues #
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Blogs from Blighty
- 03:45 says "As You Like It" was exactly that -- not the best of Shakey's comedies, but performed with delight and crisp enthusiasm. Great cast! #
- 04:08 thinks about whether the bank balance can handle another matinee today -- do I dare look? And where to print out the Shooting Stars tix? #
- 07:18 @beltain35 Yeah, anworking vacation, but yeah all month. #
- 07:28 @beltain35 Yeah, a working vacation, but yeah; all month! #
Friday, June 12, 2009
Blogs from Blighty
- 12:04 @beltain35 Argh! Of course he was! #
- 12:05 @incorporeality Yay! #
- 12:07 has idled away the day on the Southbank -- and what a gorgeous day it has been! #
- 03:51 thinks it may look like a promising day for open air theatre -- of course, Wednesday was not so promising, but the Tempest went on! Perfect. #
- 03:54 Still playing in my head (along with the tinnitus): ♫ blip.fm/~834oh #
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Blogs from Blighty
- 04:36 @slovobooks TMI indeed -- this is the kind of thing that gives Twitter a bad name ;-) #
- 04:38 wonders when her ears will stop ringing from the Fall & the Buzzcocks & when she will forgive Hamilton for making us miss John Cooper Clarke #
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Blogs from Blighty
- 10:29 is Foyle's cafe: tea and cheesecake after immersimg herself in Caravaggios and Pissaros today. #
- 04:13 will be hanging with the band Reticents at the Fall/Buzzcocks/John Cooper Clarke gig tonight like some kind of rock chick (what year is it?) #
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Blogs from Blighty
- 05:12 had a busy day yesterday: Winner's The System (more Ollie!), Iannucci's In The Loop, and Stoppard's Arcadia (Jonathan Pryce in audnce, too). #
Monday, June 08, 2009
Blogs from Blighty
- 14:51 at the BFI -- tix for The Damned end of the month. Whoo -- Ollie. Great afternoon at the Tate Mod: futurists still in the future. #
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Blogs from Blighty
- 05:52 found it oddly delightful to be summoned from a panel on Carter's new Eve with the breathless whisper, "Alan Moore is here to see you!" #
- 05:53 discovered that Alan Moore is Steve Moore's evil twin, or so Steve claimed. #
- 05:53 will not wash this cheek for a week, because that's where Alan Moore kissed me :-D #
Friday, June 05, 2009
Blogs from Blighty
- 03:45 Great dinner with Emfinger, friend since high school, at a Turkish restaurant near Goodge St... what was the name again? Gaah! #
- 03:47 Off to Northampton to give my paper on Lost Girls: am I more nervous that the creators might be there -- or disappointed if they're not? #
- 03:49 By the by, at the risk of causing utter chaos, I should say that LoudTwitter seems to be working flawlessly SO FAR (Tweets update blog & FB) #
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Blogs from Blighty
- 04:42 needs to get her tickets for Northampton. Good lecture last night on the new grimoires book from Oxford UP, then pints @ Shakespeare's Head. #
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Blogs from Blighty
- 15:20 is jet-lagged on a gorgeous day in London; could be worse, eh? Tomorrow grimoires at Treadwell's, Thu dinner w/ Emfinger, Fri No'hampton. #
- 05:03 is about to go enjoy a gorgeous London day after sleeping in this morning. Goodbye jet lag! #
- 06:43 idles in Tavistock Square -- beautiful day :-D #
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Blogs from Blighty
- 10:16 The coffee is flowing over at Sia's: bit.ly/yEltM #
- 10:55 Charlie tries to shift the tide: bit.ly/6Qqfa #
- 11:06 @ninthart Maybe it will transform into the art movement gradually... #
- 11:14 @ninthart Not Garbo? Was he hanging by his knuckles in a shortie nightie? #
- 11:34 @ninthart Maybe it was the earthy perfume he was wearing as well. Soon you'll have some Milk Duds to steady your nerves. #
- 13:31 is heading out from the office; didn't do everything I ought to have done, but it will have to do for now. #
- 15:47 @ninthart D'oh! #
- 16:36 @molliebryan Will do! #
- 16:38 is through fastest security check ever. On the Albany Airport wireless in the lounge where they are playing country music. Can't have it all #
- 17:32 argh -- flight delayed until 7pm. Should be all right... #
- 17:37 7.15 now! This is not promising. #
- 18:30 argh -- but now they claim the flight has left and will land 7.40 or so, still possible to catch the flight to Heathrow... #
- 19:07 [groan] sign at the gate still says 7.15 -- US Airways on line *estimates* 8.15. Crap. #
- 19:35 the nice woman from the gate says the plane is at last in the air after waiting on the tarmac for an hour. Fingers crossed... #
- 19:56 okay, now they say the plane will be here in fifteen minutes and they will turn it around quickly to take the 2 of us (!) to Philadelphia. #
- 20:05 The plane has arrived! It's at the gate right in front of me. Hurrah, hurrah! Empty, refuel, turn around go back to Philly -- yay! #
Monday, June 01, 2009
Guest Blogging at Sia McKye's Thoughts over Coffee

Join me over at Sia McKye's Thoughts...Over Coffee where I'm blogging about the difficulty of introducing my weirdly-titled short story collection, Unikirja, as well as Finnish folklore and mythology. Sia is a terrific blogger who hosts all kinds of writers and writing tips, so you would do well to bookmark her.
I'll be checking in to comment myself, while I do all the last minute things necessary before I get on that plane. It's a challenge being away a whole month so many details to take care of; at least most of my bills are set to be paid automatically -- what a help!
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