Sunday, July 13, 2008

Home Again

Here's Squeak and Stinky in a typical pose at Susan's in front of the gigantor tv screen. But I'm back home again to the rain and the warm weather that seems to be constant across the Eastern seaboard. When we were on the beach at Fort Macon Thursday, a big storm blew up -- enhancing the already giant waves in advance of Bertha and resulting in a lightning strike a little too close for comfort. Well, not for me as I had wandered over to the ocean side of the beach and missed it all. Waah! But I enjoyed sitting on the rocks as the spray broke over them and walking along the almost completely deserted sands (who else is foolish enough to be out in a thunderstorm?). Black headed gulls, sandpipers and even a few pelicans cruised by. Later we headed over to the hotel bar that had a happy hour featuring free hot hors d'œuvre -- yum. Even though it started raining, we sat out on the pier for a while, then jumped in puddles in the parking lot pretending to be either five year olds or Gene Kelly as the mood struck.

I had a great time on the trip, not just walking along the deserted beach, but watching movies with my pals and talking as we do and, of course -- since we were at Susan's -- feasting on all kinds of delicious foods and indulging far too much. It's sad that spending quality time with good friends is so rare as to be remarkable. I should fix that. But friends are so far flung and I can't spend all my time traveling (unless someone knows about a no-fail method for winning the lottery), so I'll need to work some more. It's been a tough summer what with moving and all, so I feel as if I've got very little done and it's time to get cracking.

I didn't take a camera (since moving I have no idea where it might be), but Susan and Mildred did, so with luck they'll post their pictures from the house, the aquarium, the museums and the beach soon. I even hear there might be one or two pictures I didn't manage to slip out of, so there's that. In the mean time, miss you all! Wish we were still lounging lazily at Susan's.

1 comment:

Susan said...

I wish all of you were still here too! *s* Waiting a whole 'nuther year is just too long!
