Gracious thanks to all who showed up to the Aerie (yes, Dan, you were right, caps now) for the housewarming that, unfortunately, more than lived up to that title -- whew! it was hot, eh? But we fit more people into the aerie than we ever could have in the wee house on Crabapple, so it's a good thing. Despite the horrendous humidity and heat, everyone seemed to have a good time (at least we were all alike in our sweatitude) and ate lots (yes, call me old country, but that's how you judge whether people were having a good time). I was pleased that despite my usual anxieties (assuming all will be a disaster, no one will show up, or if they do, fights will break out) everyone seemed to not only gel, but also to chat across cultural divides (i.e. our friends from different aspects of our lives which don't have much overlap seemed to find overlap nonetheless).

I didn't talk to anyone as much as I would like to have, because as hostess, I was worrying about everyone having fun and keeping an eye out for anyone who didn't seem to be engaged in deep conversation, filling the chips bowl and freshening the sangria (mmmm, sangria!). Thanks to all who showed up (even for a minute, Kim and Tim! wow, that was hit and run fun!) and to those who didn't, well you missed the big time fun happenin' for sure.
And erm, no pictures because I have no idea where the camera is -- I'm sure it got moved, but -- and I didn't see anybody with a snapper, so c'est la vie. Just picture the Algonquin Roundtable and you'll have a good idea of what it was like...
Jv10X & I were delighted to have alighted in the Aerie! Or is that alit and were lit?
The sangria was delish, you are a fabulous hostess and we all looked dewy & flushed....lovely!
Little-known bit of trivia: "Dewey & Flushed" were one of the less-successful Borscht Belt comedy duos of the 1930s.
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