Tomorrow will be the deciding day: what doesn't fit (furniture-wise), has to go... somewhere. Not in the aerie. Shelves that don't fit mean books that won't fit either. I just don't know. I don't think I can fit too many more books in my office. But we're not going to live with boxes like now; I've had enough of that.
Save the date: Saturday June 28th -- I think by then everything that's going there will have to be situated. Sangria in the afternoon, chips and salsa and the unveiling of the new digs. It's small, but there are the stairs for overflow. Kipper will just hide under the bed anyway.
Yard sale at the old place the day after... everything must go.
Nice picture of Philineas Gage's skull.
'Scuse me...Phineas P. Gage.
Need to check my spelling.
My old pal and neighbor, back when I worked at Harvard Med. The crowbar and skull were just around the corner from my first office up on the fifth floor, along with the giant hairball and Doctor Warren himself in his cabinet. Ah, the Warren Anatomical Museum.... memories!
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