UPDATE: Barr has given us a pull quote to use on the next issue -- Yay!
Our paper copies should be arriving this coming week. Elena will be getting copies to Diamond, but we can get them into local comics shops sooner, I hope. I'm going to add a Paypal link to the website, so people can buy copies directly until it comes out in Diamond. We're already working on the next issue (amongst our various other projects, of course).
Kate, we so rock.
Great idea to link to paypal.
Elena, we do so rock!
I figured it would be good to get a grassroots ball rolling before the debut in Previews. Especially in local places -- once you're back from Germany and Florida, we can do some signings. Meanwhile, I'll get the PR team on the road here.
Looking forward to my own copy to order...I hope to get it autographed, too!
The plan, of course, is to do a signing in your area -- but there will be multiple ways to purchase!
Oooh, hooray! I am salivating in antici......pation of the first issue!
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