Monday, May 02, 2011

Penultimate Day of Teaching

Up until 2.30 last night finishing something that needed to be done; relieved that the end of the semester is upon me, but also stressed for the same reason (grading, grading), so something more substantial tomorrow. Something to keep you entertained today: the entire documentary "The Wonderful and Frightening World of MES" online.

A man stopped me on the way to campus, saying, "1971: this way?" "It certainly feels like it," I say. We blink at each other and then go on, uncomprehending. Sometimes life's like that.


Paul D Brazill said...

Oh, ta for that!

C. Margery Kempe said...

Yeah, great to have that. I'm indebted to Simon at the Spectator who took another piece from me as well.