Monday, January 17, 2011

How I Came to Write this Book

I'm hosted over at Patti Abbott's blog where I reveal:

"How I Came To Write This Book"

How I Came to Write this Book, K. A. Laity
Kit Marlowe, Tease Publishing, Dec 2010, ISBN 9781607671275, $5.99

In 2002, I moved to Houston, Texas with my husband. I hadn't quite got around to finishing my dissertation, but I had finished a novel, which came out the following year months prior to my dissertation defence. Nonetheless I had managed to get that pearl of academic ambitions, a tenure-track job in my field, as had my husband. Reason to celebrate, surely. People told us, "You can never leave these jobs. Lightning will not strike twice."

My apologies to those who love Texas, but we hated it with a passion. First there was the humidity. I thought 100% humidity meant it was raining, but it just means you wish you would die. The whole of Houston seems to be paved from one end to the other, the better to facilitate the flooding that happens every time it rains, let alone in hurricanes. Enron, far from being an anomaly, is just "the way we do things here" I was told. In no time I had my fill of Texas chauvinism: apparently they invented everything first, then made it bigger and better than everyone else. I've never seen anyone with a Connecticut tattoo.

In all fairness, I must admit the food was good, so was the theatre and opera. We made some terrific friends, too.

But we were miserable.... [read the rest]

I'm in my office today, working on syllabuses. The price of my neglect. Truthfully, I've been daydreaming that there's some way for me to look more like Tilda Swinton...


Todd Mason said...

I'm always impressed to hear/read of people whom I could offend by noting Alaska's size. "Don't let it bother you, Litte Dogie..."

C. Margery Kempe said...

LOL, makes me think of the SCTV bit about fitting other countries into Russia. Hee.

Todd Mason said...

Bahahaha, as they say (I love how the Soviet tv show that takes over after the mutually destructive fight between Jerry Todd and Tim Ishigumi has the CBC Radio stalwart AS IT HAPPEN's opening theme...)

However, have you seen the chunk out of the USSR Kazakhstan took with it? And Puny Russia barely has the population of Brazil!

Todd Mason said...

(That reference is to another SCTV sketch of similar vintage)

C. Margery Kempe said...

Indeed -- and I was thrilled to be reminded via YouTube linkage of the ad for Poocharé. Über 80s!

TM (linking to Andrea Martin) said...

Andrea Martin on David Feldman's Pacifica Radio show...(also in the initials link)...even if Feldman mispronounces Poochare-star Eugene Levy's among much else...

C. Margery Kempe said...

I shall have to give a listen although likely tomorrow as the shipping forecast tells me it's time for bed.