Friday, August 15, 2008

No Fun

Gene has just departed with the G4 in hand, leaving behind his old WinBook as my rescue dog. I gave him two pennies for the ferryman, but it could be possible that the Mac doctors will be able to save her (although I have visions of them gathered around, staring with awe, "You still use this old machine?! What is it? 2003?").

This laptop works -- I can ask no more.


Gene Kannenberg, Jr. said...

The MAC doctors were all booked up today, so I'll have to see what they say at 11:20am Saturday...

C. Margery Kempe said...

Argh -- well, fingers crossed that it will not be wasted effort on your behalf. Thanks for making the trek up here and out to the horrid mall.

Todd Mason said...

I blame the cat. Felis dometicus...happy face's a conspiracy! Soon you'll be humming Polyphonic Spree songs!

Get out now! Oh, wait. No, don't.

Happy Happy! Meerp!

C. Margery Kempe said...

So, that's why I've been humming "When the Fool Becomes a King" in my sleep.

Oh, it can't take long for the inner moroseness to return, for the smiley face mug to become mocking, the cat to start hissing, for the horror of my G4 (extension of my fingers, light of my writing, fire of my muse) being at death's door to sink in and return me to that normal state of dour hopelessness. I can feel it knocking now... perhaps I won't answer.