Hey, join me at the party!
The Writer's Party, that is, where I do my Auntie Mame impression. I talk about inspiration and writing and whatnot. Not quite as crazily as I did at Mr B's but it's not possible to maintain that high level of madness
all the time.
A decent showing in the
Preditors & Editors Poll. I think I made it to #15 last year with
"High Plains Lazarus"; this year
It's a Curse made it to #16 and four other
Drunk on the Moon titles ended up in the top 20 (imagine if our votes were combined!).
Dark Pages: International Noir with my story "Mandrake and Magpies" made it to #13. With some real stiff competition, the fabulous Queen of Everything's cover art rose to #12. All in all, an excellent showing!
And just under the wire: the Pornokitsch interview with all of us at
The Girl's Guide to Surviving the Apocalypse is up: check it out!
Those of you in the States may not be getting the same inundation that we are on this side of the pond, but even if you
aren't deluged by Dickens, I stand by these recommendations:
Sick of Dickens? Here are Some Alternatives...
By K.A. Laity

It's the 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles Dickens. If somehow the news has escaped you, surely you could tell from
the deluge of BBC productions assaulting us from every side (even if they
don't always seem to be enjoying it).
It's only the second week in January and already we've had a new version of
Great Expectations and fleshed out finish to
The Mystery of Edwin Drood, and
Arena has offered a neat recap of this most-filmed author whose works have filled cinemas since its first stuttering steps.
Meanwhile on the radio you can find adaptations of
The Old Curiosity Shop, Hard Times, Little Dorrit and
David Copperfield running
at present. There are over 200 hits when you search programmes for
Dickens (you get almost double that when you search sports, but that's
seldom due to Charles).
you want costume drama but you're sick of Dickens? Where to turn? Let's
assume for the sake of argument you've likewise had your fill lately of
both Austen and
Downton Abbey—after all you can't swing a dead
urchin without hitting one or the other. Here are some suggestions that
may be less well known to those of you who hunger for yet more bonnets
and waistcoats (I'd say hit the books, but we know that's not going to
happen, is it?)...
Read the rest, as always, over at
BBHQ. Despite my grumbling, I think Gwyneth Hughes did an admirable job of wrapping up Dickens' unsolved enigma and the second half cracked along. If some of the outcomes were predictable, others definitely were
not! Nicely done.
Spoilers in this recap.
Budapest and Switzerland in May: a distinct possiblity...
No chance at this hour of singling out anything for an FFB, I suspect...shall have to read the articles here when my own Rapid Fire life runs lower on ammo...
Clearly not, eh? Trying to get things done (and jettisoning things I don't want to do which leaves me feeling very good).
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