Over at Elena's there are more pages of our comic, Jane Quiet. She writes, "It's amazing the amount of time it's taking to draw something which in the end, a person can pick up and read in about five minutes." Ain't it the truth? Years sometimes spent writing a book that an excited reader can finish overnight. Nevertheless, we find it worth doing, and I can't wait to see what Elena does with my words -- even if the final product can be consumed in minutes.
Quiet otherwise seems hard to find: the construction, the trains, the loud trucks rattling down the street, the noisy stereos blaring from passing cars all conspire to make me cranky. So much to do -- and increasingly less time in which to do it. Meetings start up the 23rd, classes begin the 27th. Argh -- this always happens when I try to cram so much work into the short months of summer.
Er, did I type that out loud?
Elena does a mean cheesecake! You should see her collection of B-movie cuties. Got it here somewhere...
I feel the same way -- meetings next Thursday, classes on Monday. And I keep writing O6/16/07 on checks. Summer always seems a lot longer than it is. Good luck with the new term!
To you, too! Must be interesting juggling the music and teaching this fall. Timing will be more challenging, but what a release to have the music.
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