Tomorrow I hit the road for
Kalamazoo fairly early, so I thought it best to write now in case I don't get a chance to do so then (and to give myself a break from the last minute edits et. al. that have been bedeviling me today). Extra stressful this time because 1) I have done too much travel this semester (and it ain't over yet) and 2) I am giving a paper in the
Pseudo Panel.

For those of you who have never heard of it (that's most of you, I suppose), this is a traditional panel at the big Medieval Congress in which people give fake papers in the hopes of being funny. Saturday night, standing room only crowds, high expectations -- I never thought I would get on the panel, so I'm more than a bit terrified that my paper will fail to be funny and I get more and more nervous as I think about it. Somehow, I will survive.
Oddly enough, there seems to be a good deal of
humor associated with Kazoo and medievalists, some of it from
unexpected places, some from
the usual suspects. I just hope it goes all right. Meanwhile, I have two finals today!
The two papers are more or less done (endless revision will continue). So in a moment of exhausted exhiliration, I will share some Wilde with you all:
"To have the reputation of possessing the most perfect social tact, talk to every woman as if you loved her, and to every man as if he bored you."
Be perfect, if you can --
As if! For some of us this is no pose [See: Bilokur, Mark] ;)
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