Sunday, October 01, 2006

Welcome, October!

My favorite month of the year begins and I am so far behind! I have yet to make the Hallween card, but I have started on the costume. Due to the busyness of starting a new job, I thought I would skimp on the costume this year. However, after seeing old friends last week, I have been inspired -- or is it only competetive? Whatever the impetus, I have a better idea than the one I was planning to use, so we'll see how it turns out.

Appropriately enough for our entry into October Country, it is a cool and rainy day. Perfect for grading papers which is what I ought ot be doing, rather than daydreaming about Halloween. Which reminds me -- I need to scan in the picture from my folks of three little kids in their scary Halloween costumes quite a few years ago...


CL said...

Ha ha! It seems that a lot of people are getting competitive this year!

Is it because we're back on track with a party after a year off? Or because we have great prizes? Or is it just fun?

Can't wait to see it!

The Queen said...

Well, I give up already if Kate's competitive!!!

And, Cranky, we do it because it's FUN!


C. Margery Kempe said...

Damn right! It's so good to be back among folks who take Halloween seriously (well, in a a funny way!). Competetive not so much because I want to win (although, I'm not against winning -- having, ahem, won the costume contest previously as Freya :-) but because I don't want to look lame amongst the many fabulous costumes!

Right now my main task is trying to make the headpiece less painful to wear...

Nobody throws a Halloween shindig like the Boojums! Whoo hoo!

CL said...

Well, there you go...the one reason why we, The Boojums, do it as well. It's FUN!!!!

C. Margery Kempe said...

And then there are the prizes! You come up with some very cool ones, that's for sure.

But mostly the fun -- yay!