I applied for the grant as part of my ongoing work on Unikirja which I hope to complete this summer. I didn't really feel I could finish, however, without seeing, touching and even smelling! ancient Finland. The best place for that, it seemed to me, would be to visit the rock paintings by hiking through Finland's countryside. I am so excited to know I'll really be there and not have to just imagine it.
Paljon kiitos, Finlandia Foundation! Now I really have to work on my Finnish!
All riiiiiiiiiight! Congratulations!
Thanks, Bobby! I'm so excited I can hardly believe it. Say, are you coming to PCA this year? I haven't even looked at the schedule, things have been so crazy this semester.
Man, Kate; it just keeps getting better and better.
Send us a postcard!
Will do -- and if I can find some more good Finnish punk, I wil be sure to share it!
Wow, Finland AND rock paintngs! Congratulations!
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